Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Our latest project...

We are not campers. Don't get me wrong, I grew up camping; good old fashion tent camping with a restroom and shower within 50 yards of camp and every amenity you can imagine, my Mama is the original "Glamper". Some of my very favorite memories are from our summer camping trips and I would love for the boys to grow up and say the same thing.

Since I've been married Dusty and I have tried to camp, unfortunately rather unsuccessfully. We have bought tent after tent only to have them fall on us in the middle of the night, air mattresses that leave us sleeping on the ground and camp stoves that won't light, eventually we gave up and borrowed my Grandpa's camp trailer for our last overnight camping excursion, luckily Mama and her glamping arsenal were nearby.

I have always wanted an Airstream trailer, I remember thinking they were the coolest thing even when I was little. I have big plans for one someday in the future and I occasionally troll Craigslist looking for my dream camper. Last week, on one such search I came across this beauty:

not quite an Airstream but I have to start somewhere

She is a 1958 Sportsman (or perhaps it should be Sportswoman because she is obviously a she). She is 12 feet long and full of character, a little rough around the edges but full of possibility. I called about her and was so excited to learn she was still available, and even more excited when Dusty didn't roll his eyes and smirk at another one of my crazy ideas. We drove to Marsing Friday night to meet her and I must admit, it was love at first sight. The only problem was she was in rougher condition than the pictures on craigslist had shown. The owner had already begun demolition which actually turned out to be a good thing because we were able to see the exactly what we were getting into. (I use the term we loosely, as I have discovered I am of little use with a crowbar and am better suited at providing liquid refreshments to my work crew... aka Dusty). The owner wouldn't budge on the price and Dusty won't buy anything for full price so away we went. I didn't sleep at all that night. The next day I called the owner back and explained the situation of my hardheaded hubby and his bargaining ways, she agreed to throw a water tank in with the camper and the deal was made. I spent most of that night on the internet researching adorable campers and the endless possibilities.
Sunday morning I was up-n-atem, ready to bring my new girl home! Dusty wrapped her up with straps and duct tape (that is not nearly as bad as it sounds) and we hit the road... slowly, the tires are not quite suited for 55 mph.

our first road trip

We survived the trip home and jumped right in working on her... Did I mention my family reunion is in 2-1/2 weeks and I really want to introduce her to the rest of the family there? Luckily we work best under a good deadline! Now, if I could just find a suitable name.

Aren't you glad you aren't my neighbor??

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