Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Our new look...

I decided that since I have been HORRIBLE about posting maybe a new look would inspire me... What do you think?? I will be better, I promise (haven't I said that before??)

The boys are great, Grayson is quite the little performer (as always) and rarely stops moving, his favorite activity of late is riding his Spiderman Scooter - in the house. Radlee is finding his sea legs and going to take off walking any day now! Birthday party plans are in the works for Radlee's big day next week - I cannot believe it has been a year since he joined us!
We have all been sick off and on since November - I can hardly remember the last day I haven't had to wipe a runny nose, remind someone to cover their mouth or not played pharmacist to at least one member of this family! I will be so relieved when this (way too) long winter will be over and we can air the house out of all the hidden germs!

Here are a few pictures of what I have failed to post over the past 3 months.... Watch for more to come!

Spiderman made an appearance at our house Christmas Morning!

Is that smile infectious or what??

Bathing Brothers

The best Christmas "Gift"

Sleepy eyed Radlee on Christmas Morning

1 comment:

Mello Mommy said...

I love your new look. where did you find a different layout. I would love to do something different with my page too. Your boys are so handsome. Congrats on making it through another first year.