Yesterday you turned 1 year old, I can hardly wrap my head around the fact that you have been here for an entire year. I remember when we were in the hospital after you were born and I would hardly let them take you to the nursery, how when the nurses would bring you to me for your early, early morning feeding I would make a little nest next to me for you to sleep in for the rest of the morning snuggled up with me, I remember being fascinated with your perfectly formed lips "kissable lips" as Pretty Mom calls them. I remember after we brought you home standing for hours with you laying on your side in my arms, swaying back and forth, back and forth, to keep you calm. I remember the pride your big brother took in showing you off, taking care of you and introducing you. It makes me so sad that your first year is over - I feel like it went too quickly, like I didn't take the time to cherish every little moment, like I didn't take enough pictures, like I didn't write down every little thing you did. Maybe you know this and that is why you still snuggle into a "nest" on my lap, why you crawl all over the house to find me if I leave your sight, why you love to be swayed on you side when you are cranky and how I am still in awe of the curve of your lips; maybe you remind me daily that you still are and always will be my baby.
For as dependant as you are you are fiercely independent as well. You want to do things on your own and it only takes once or twice of showing you something that you can do it all by yourself. You love alone time, where you have undivided attention, this is when you bloom - you chatter and dance and perform. I cannot wait to see what this year brings and watch you grow and learn - you truly are a joy in my life and I feel so blessed each and everyday that you are here.
Thank you Radlee for making my life more complete.
I love you the most,
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