Friday, July 22, 2011

Baby's got back! (and doors and windows)

That's right! Tuesday night Dusty was able to get the entire back end re-assembled, it is amazing what a difference a wall makes!

almost ready...

phase 1 complete!

Wednesday night my sweet in-laws came over and we put the front almost entirely together (minus the insulation and outer skin)

Before last night's work began...

I LOVE how big this window is (almost 7 feet long!)
It was a good night!

Dusty also fixed the door (even though he forgot to put the screen in... after he sent me to the store specifically for screen). I love the door, the top is a window and the bottom opening is screen with a board that fits inside the frame to close it up. When Dusty tore the door apart he realized the existing screen appears to be brass, the edges that were between the wood are still shiny and goldish, it is amazing the difference in materials used 60 years ago and those used today.

Scraping the adhesive from between the door layers, and forgetting to install the new screen

ready to be put back together

On the inside... sanding has begun, have I mentioned how much I dislike sanding? Or how my hands turn bright red and break out at the first sign of dust? Luckily I have 2 little helpers.

Yes, I let my children use power tools.

Progress continues, we are hoping to have the inside painted by the end of the weekend and ready for exterior paint by Monday!

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