Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Grayson does indeed live here....
Saturday, June 27, 2009
The neigbors hate us!
In Full Bloom
Here is a little video of those precious first steps!
My secret ingredient
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Grayson's new "Friend"
Me - When did you see Dude?
G - On Saturday
Me - Oh really, who took you to his house?
G - Um, I did - I took myself
Me - I see, how did you get there?
G - In my truck (he acts almost irritated as I am asking these questions, as if I should already know the answers)
Me - Does Dude have a Mama?
G - Yeah, her name is Annie
Me - Dude's Mama's name is Annie too? How crazy is it that both of your Mama's are named Annie?
G - I know, pretty crazy.
Me - Does he have brothers and sisters?
G - Yeah, one brother and one sister
Me - Little or big?
G - His sister is little, she is a baby, her name is Jackson.
Me - And his brother?
G - he is big, like.... (I was sure he was going to compare Dude's brother to Sage) the Jonas Brothers.
Me - What is his name?
G - Ummm Telephone (said with a silly grin - then he popped back into the story) I don't know if that is his name, but that is what Dude calls him.
Me - Where does Dude live?
G - In Idaho.
Me - What does he have in his room?
G - ummm Decorations, and Monster Trucks, and Cars, and rocket ships and airplanes and, Oh, I painted a remote control for him, I painted it black.
Me - That was nice of you, did Dude's Mama help you paint it?
G - No I did it all by myself, I put it on a napkin when I was done.
This pretty much sums up Dude, the whole time he was talking I was wishing I was recording the conversation, he didn't hesitate on any of the answers and filled me in on all the details of his "friend".
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Outside fun
The new favorite toy
On Mother's Day the boys and Dusty took me all over! First we drove up to Banks and played on a little river beach for a while - there were so many missed photo ops! Grayson playing in the sand and building sand castles, Radlee clinging to his Daddy or me and the way he pulled his feet as high as they could go to avoid touching the sand. From Banks we went to Grandma DeeDee's to wish her a happy Mother's Day and then on to the playground (I did pick up the camera from home before the playground!) When I looked at these pictures I remembered that some of my favorite pictures of G are from trips to the playground, there is something about the colors and the excitement in their little eyes that make for adorable pictures!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
A Kiss (or picture) will make it all better....
G - My Bandaid has Lightning McQueen on it, what does yours have on it Mama?
Me - Nothing, it is just plain.
G - Oh, we should put a picture of me on it.
Me - Yeah we should, that would make my owie feel much better!
G - Yeah because it would be full of love.
My sweet and sensitive boy.... don't ever change.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
April Sun (and Fun!)
Radlee LOVES the Bouncy House!The boys had a huge treat this month when Sage came home - Grayson idolizes his "brover Shage" and was like a little shadow the whole time he was here! Radlee finally got to meet him and he definitely thought Sage lived up to Grayson's musings! We miss him already and hope he hurries back!
SO Grumpy that playtime was interupted for pictures!
Who wants a Surprise??
Here is the deal: The first five people to comment on this post will get something made by me.
This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:
1- I make no guarantees that you will like what I make. (but I will try hard to make something you will like)
2- What I make will be just for you.
3- It will be done this year.
4- You have no clue what it's going to be.
5- I reserve the right to do whatever I want!
The catch? Oh, the catch is that you must re-post this on your own blog (if you have one) and offer the same deal to 5 of your own lucky blog readers. Even if you don't think you are "crafty", here's a chance to try some new things, and 5 projects in 7 months, not a big deal. Anything is fair game - doesn't have to necessarily be "crafty". So, the first 5 people to leave a comment telling me they are in, get an exciting handmade creation made by me! Oh, and be sure to post a picture of what you receive when you get it. Be sure to read all of the comments before you assume that all 5 spots are taken.
Let the games begin!
Comment Quick and GOOD LUCK!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Birfday Party
He caught right on to the idea of opening presents, however he couldn't belive we were letting him do it. He kept looking at us like "when are you going to tell me No-No??"
I made him a super-cute birthday crown and shirt to wear
mmmmmm, cookies, the cookie was a bigger hit than the cupcake.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Time Flies
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
And a couple more....
Look at the concentration frosting cupcakes takes!
Taste Testing
Little Chef Radlee
Have I trained him well or what? He insisted I have a "Princess Birfday Cake"
Our new look...
The boys are great, Grayson is quite the little performer (as always) and rarely stops moving, his favorite activity of late is riding his Spiderman Scooter - in the house. Radlee is finding his sea legs and going to take off walking any day now! Birthday party plans are in the works for Radlee's big day next week - I cannot believe it has been a year since he joined us!
Here are a few pictures of what I have failed to post over the past 3 months.... Watch for more to come!
Is that smile infectious or what??
Bathing Brothers
The best Christmas "Gift"
Sleepy eyed Radlee on Christmas Morning