Friday, February 15, 2008

Swimming anyone? It's a Baby Pool....

Eventhough we know (or at least think we do) many of the details of this little babe - I came across this website and thought it would be fun to see how right we are!! So the person with the best score (the website figures it for us) after I have the baby will get a special prize!!

Click on the link above to enter your guesses.

Here's what we know so far:

  • Ultrasound showed this baby as a boy. While these have been wrong in the past, in my opinon this one was pretty unmistakeable.
  • I am scheduled for a C-Section at 9:30 on 3/17 and don't feel like he is coming any sooner than that, but it is a whole month away. My actual due date is 3/21 (G was 6 days late)
  • I have a feeling this baby is huge (even bigger than G who was 9lb4oz)

Best of luck - I will keep you updated!

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