8:29 in the evening is finally here, and let me just say, it couldn't have come fast enough today!
The day started around 7:30, I was still half asleep but aware that Grayson was up, moving around downstairs. When I heard the front door open I was all the way awake and halfway out the door before I realized I didn't have any pants on, I ran back and fetched a blanket to wrap around my waist (I don't think any of my neighbors were out, thankfully) and went looking for Grayson. I found him, fully dressed for school, back pack on, in the car looking for his new socks. I explained to him that there were 4 more hours until Kindergarten and would he please come back inside so Mama can quit embarrassing herself by wearing a blanket on the driveway. Little did I know that would be the first of a long string of foot-in-mouth-shake-your-head-what-was-I-thinking moments.
Once inside I noticed Grayson had a pickle jar in the side pocket of his backpack. Now this isn't just any pickle jar, this jar contained 4 wooly bugger caterpillars for show and tell. We brought them home from Polly last weekend and he has been so excited to take them to class. I reminded him to be careful with the jar and make sure his backpack was standing up so the bugs wouldn't get too jostled around.
11:30 finally came and I took Grayson to school. We got there like 2 minutes before he was supposed to go in, so instead of unloading all 3 kids to just turn around and put 2 of them back in carseats I parked and Grayson got out to visit his friends, the first thing he did when he saw them was take the jar out of his backpack. I waited in the car for the teacher to come out and get the class, when she came out there was the usual hubbub of 5 year olds flitting about to line up. Somewhere in the chaos Grayson tripped and dropped the pickle jar, it shattered, the mom's that were outside looked around like "who's kid is this?". I jumped out of the car and ran to help Grayson. The look on his face broke my heart, I told him it was okay and that I would make sure caterpillars got to his class for share. Thank goodness for the sweet Kindergarten Moms, they jumped into action, keeping the freed caterpillars from making their beeline to the grass, one grabbed a broom and one brought a container to put the bugs in. All I could do was think "who's idea was it to send her kid to school with a GLASS jar???" We got the mess picked up and one of the Mama's delivered the caterpillars in their new home (a plastic berry container) to the class.
At pick-up this afternoon I was still feeling a bit silly for this morning's events. I was waiting for Grayson in the pick-up area when one of the Mom's from his class walked up (coincidentally the one who helped the most during the fiasco at drop-off). I had spoken to her at drop off once before and we bonded over the fact all 3 of our kids are the same age and Grayson and her son are the only one the other can remember from class. I noticed she didn't have her little kids with her and tried to ask where they were. Instead of just saying that I ended up with my foot in my mouth and her probably wanting to cancel the playdate we spoke of having before it is even on the calendar.
Me: So is your husband home with your other kids?
Her: Looks at me funny
Me: Does he work from home?
Her: No, he works at an office, the kids are at daycare
Me: Oh, Do you have a job? (like I have NEVER heard of a mother of 3 being employed)
Her: Yes, I work 2 days a week at .....
Me: (not really sure what I said because I was too busy thinking about what an idiot I sounded like 2 seconds before)
Her: Oh look, here are the kids... Bye~!
I went to greet G who was carrying the berry container of bugs. When I saw his teacher she asked if there had been 3 caterpillars or 4. I told her I thought there were 4, she said there were only 3 now because one had escaped from one of the holes around the bottom of the container, she had put tape around the holes to keep the others in. She also told me that if she found the missing caterpillar, she would return it to us. I assured her that we didn't need it back and she could just set it free, but told her that if she wanted to keep these in class she was more than welcome to. She gave me a bit of a "are you crazy, lady?" look and politely nodded, I quickly added that if they were too much of a distraction we could just take them home... let me know! I just hope the poor girl isn't squeamish when it comes to bugs since there is a fuzzy catterpillar loose in her classroom.
So apparently Graysons second week of kindergarten is turning into my first week of Middle School where I cannot properly form sentences let alone make sense when dealing with my peers. When I related it to Dusty his theory was "that is what happens when you spend all your time at home with kids, you forget how to have an adult conversation." He pretty much summed it up.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Zeroth Grade
So this was going to be the final post about the Glamper, but I just looked through the picture file and I only have pictures of it at night, and they just don't do her justice. Apparently the 2 weeks she sat in front of the house, not to mention the weekend camping trip were not enough time to take a few decent photos. Never fear there is still a bit of work to be done on her and I hope to bring her home soon and take a few "after" pictures.
But for now, on to the good stuff! On Monday the inevitable happened, my little man started Kindergarten. Grayson has been in full on countdown mode for the past year. When he turned 5 last October, he thought that was the cue, then when we stopped going to pre-school in December he was sure the next day he would be a Kindergartner. Then when school was out for the summer for the "big kids" he knew it was going to be any day "Is it tomorrow, Mom?" was heard countless times over the past 3 months. At the first of August we started the official countdown. He informed me 3 weeks ago, (with no prompting from me) "Mom, 20 more days until I start zeroth grade". At that point I realized maybe he should just skip "zeroth grade" all together and go straight to first, but oh, the disappointment he would suffer... Kindergarten it is.
Last Thursday night I was getting ready for a grown-up's only weekend getaway with my family, I checked Facebook one final time to make sure I was fully caught up on everything before I left and read this post from my sweet Auntie Amy about my cousin:
We got home late Sunday night, so late Grayson was already tucked into bed. I kissed his sweet cheeks and pulled the covers up knowing what tomorrow would bring. Sure enough, 7:30 and Grayson is in my room, fully dressed with backpack on, ready for school (he is an afternooner, and doesn't go until 11:40). We had breakfast and made sure his bag was packed, I told him I had put a banana in his bag for snack and he replied with a too grown up sounding "thanks mom" (I'm sure there was a shrugged shoulder involved). I teared up instantly and left the room. We killed the next three hours by Grayson asking me if it was time to leave yet or if he could go and get in the car.
11:15 finally rolled around, and we headed to school. Again, I teared up he caught me and asked what was wrong, I just choked out that I was so excited for him. When we got to the school some of the parents and kiddos were already there. We sat and waited, taking a few pictures and chatting with each other about this biggest of days. His teacher finally came out at 11:40 and asked that we say our goodbyes outside, she is obviously very wise (or someone warned her about me!). I gave Grayson one final squeeze and a kiss on the forehead, he took his place in line and with a big smile, a quick wave, and a "bye Mom" he became a kindergartner.
But for now, on to the good stuff! On Monday the inevitable happened, my little man started Kindergarten. Grayson has been in full on countdown mode for the past year. When he turned 5 last October, he thought that was the cue, then when we stopped going to pre-school in December he was sure the next day he would be a Kindergartner. Then when school was out for the summer for the "big kids" he knew it was going to be any day "Is it tomorrow, Mom?" was heard countless times over the past 3 months. At the first of August we started the official countdown. He informed me 3 weeks ago, (with no prompting from me) "Mom, 20 more days until I start zeroth grade". At that point I realized maybe he should just skip "zeroth grade" all together and go straight to first, but oh, the disappointment he would suffer... Kindergarten it is.
Last Thursday night I was getting ready for a grown-up's only weekend getaway with my family, I checked Facebook one final time to make sure I was fully caught up on everything before I left and read this post from my sweet Auntie Amy about my cousin:
Well the truck is loaded and I am moving Chelsey into BSU dorm in the morning......of course my smart ass daughter asks are you going to stand around and cry all morning......of course her quick mother responds " hell no I'm headed for the closest bar."..........and oh by the way leaving on vacation for a week...:)
At this point I realized that the next time I would see Grayson there would be zero days until zeroth grade, I got choked up at the very thought and advised Auntie Amy to have a drink for me at that bar. I was suddenly even more thankful that I was leaving for the weekend so I would be distracted enough that the boys in my house wouldn't have to commit me by Monday morning for sitting around in a pool of my own tears.We got home late Sunday night, so late Grayson was already tucked into bed. I kissed his sweet cheeks and pulled the covers up knowing what tomorrow would bring. Sure enough, 7:30 and Grayson is in my room, fully dressed with backpack on, ready for school (he is an afternooner, and doesn't go until 11:40). We had breakfast and made sure his bag was packed, I told him I had put a banana in his bag for snack and he replied with a too grown up sounding "thanks mom" (I'm sure there was a shrugged shoulder involved). I teared up instantly and left the room. We killed the next three hours by Grayson asking me if it was time to leave yet or if he could go and get in the car.
11:15 finally rolled around, and we headed to school. Again, I teared up he caught me and asked what was wrong, I just choked out that I was so excited for him. When we got to the school some of the parents and kiddos were already there. We sat and waited, taking a few pictures and chatting with each other about this biggest of days. His teacher finally came out at 11:40 and asked that we say our goodbyes outside, she is obviously very wise (or someone warned her about me!). I gave Grayson one final squeeze and a kiss on the forehead, he took his place in line and with a big smile, a quick wave, and a "bye Mom" he became a kindergartner.
on his own...
I held it together until I got to the car and even then I only cried for a minute. I knew Grayson was just where he wanted to be, and I am so proud of him and the boy he has become. I know he will do fantastically in school because he is curious, polite and eager to learn. And the smile on his face when I picked him up that afternoon said it all!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Coming together
When the glamper came back from exterior paint the time crunch was on. That was Friday evening and we were to leave the following Thursday on the innagural camping trip. The main part was done but it was the 10,000 little details we had to finish.
First item of business was the wiring... That was ALL Dusty, (and a little Radlee too, of course).
Once the wiring was done Dusty was able to put all the new trim around the corners and seams. He fought and fought the corner molding, just when he thought he had it, the aluminum on the roof would buckle and he had to unscrew everything again. Finally he completely un-attached the piece of roof aluminum, shifted it all and things went smoothly (more or less) from there.
While he was busy on the roof I got started on what would be the "signature detail" of the glamper. 100's of polka dots! Originally we had planned to mask them off before the turquoise was painted, however a lack of material to cut and mask polka dots with changed that plan. In the end we ordered 400 2-1/2" vinyl polka dots from a sign company. (Not the sign company I called however... They wanted 4 times the price that Dusty was able to get them for.... and when the guy asked what we were doing with them, I told them we were using them as decals on a camp trailer he said "but 400 of them???" I told him it was to be polka dotted, and I could hear the confusion in his voice) We decaled the tongue and propane bottles the first night, random and obscure, and soon realized 400 polka dots were not nearly enough....
I did have enough to start the body of the trailer the next day though. I couldn't decide if I wanted them orderly and in nice, straight lines over the body or if I wanted the dots placed randomly. In the end we decided that a repeating pattern would be the easiest and most visually appealing. Laying the pattern for these dots was easier said than done, luckily I had all the tools I needed laying around the house. I used a 36" t-square, overhead projector marker and a tape measure. After experimenting several different ways I realized a grid system was by far the easiest, this way I had my top line and one side line for every dot and once measured I could stick the dots on in no time. Grayson was my trusty assistant for this project, handing me tools as I needed them and moving everything along with me. I ran out of dots about halfway through the second side so Dusty had to pick up more on Monday for me, in the end we used almost 700 dots.
Once Dusty finished the trim he turned his attention back to the inside. We painted the original gold hinges and knobs for a temporary fix, as I bought the wrong hinges and couldn't find the "perfect" knobs. We re-installed all of the cabinet doors and put the original stove back in which was now free of 50 years of cooking grease (so gross!).
He also installed the new floor. We knew we wanted dark hardwood floors but I knew I didn't want to spend $80 for flooring for the trailer, nor did we have the time to wait for it to come in as most stores don't stock the dark hardwood. The boys and I took a trip to the Re-Store (a thrift store for building materials) looking for several things on our camper list. While there I spotted the perfect flooring. While most of the flooring was just bits and pieces this was an entire box, it had been opened but looked to have plenty to do our little job, better yet, it was marked at $39 when I asked the manager about a better price he gave it to me for $35, I was so excited! I also scored the perfect stainless steel sink for the counter while I was there.
Friday, August 12, 2011
When the Cat's away, the mouse shall... Paint?
Dusty took full advantage of the kids and my weekend away to get a little crazy... aka, paint his crazy wife's camp trailer. Monday he hauled it to his buddy's shop in Nampa to start the arduous process. I had prepped all of the windows before I left town which meant removing the window, wire brushing the frames, using steel wool on the glass and giving them an overall good scrubbing then masking off all of the glass.
Once to the shop he got to work sanding the multiple layers of paint that had been applied over the past 50+ years. The paint guy came and tested the paint and sure enough at least one of those layers was lead-paint which meant the sanding just got immensely easier (aka - no more sanding). The guys worked hard smoothing the soft aluminum as best they could, using bondo and pounding out any major dents along the way. The front bottom (around the tongue) and the back bottom proved to be too much to fix, years of hauling her on rocky roads had taken it's toll on the aluminum, and Dusty opted to put diamond plate in these spots when paint was complete.
White paint
Once to the shop he got to work sanding the multiple layers of paint that had been applied over the past 50+ years. The paint guy came and tested the paint and sure enough at least one of those layers was lead-paint which meant the sanding just got immensely easier (aka - no more sanding). The guys worked hard smoothing the soft aluminum as best they could, using bondo and pounding out any major dents along the way. The front bottom (around the tongue) and the back bottom proved to be too much to fix, years of hauling her on rocky roads had taken it's toll on the aluminum, and Dusty opted to put diamond plate in these spots when paint was complete.
However, the next day he was a bit discouraged. The glossy white paint was showing all the imperfections he thought the body work and sanding had fixed. I reassured him it was a 50 year old trailer and would never be flawless.
White paint
By the time I got home on Wednesday I was so anxious to see the progress... but I had to wait, she was still at the paint shop and hadn't been painted turquoise just yet, he promised me he would bring her home on Saturday as soon as the paint was finished and dry enough he could haul her home. When he came home on Friday his hands looked like those of a mermaid (okay, merman is probably more appropriate, hard working merman at that). At the first sight of his hands I asked "Oh you got her painted, How does she look?" He shrugged, grinned and said "see for yourself" I was so excited he was able to bring her home! And even more excited when I saw the results. One coat down...
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Waking Up in Jackpot
Knowing that Dusty had our little "restoration project" well under control Pretty Mama, Auntie Sophie, Lucee, the boys and I took off for a mini-vacay in Jackpot. One may not think Jackpot is the place to take 4 kids ages 5 and under but have I got news for you... those 4 kids can swim the heck out of a pool and watch the Disney channel to their heart's content. The phrase "I'm so excited, I'm just going to die" even came out of Grayson's mouth on our way into town.
Putting the boys to bed the night before we left made me think about our annual trips to Disneyland when we were little. I thought if I stayed up all night I would be extra tired the next day and could sleep in the car, thus arriving faster. I think the not sleeping was just sheer excitement at the adventure that awaited, Grayson had this same level of anticipation the night before our trip.
Upon arrival, bathing suits were donned, (practically before we made it to our "home" as Radlee called it) and the pool was put to the test. It was so cold at first touch that day. The littles warmed right up to it though, especially thanks to Pretty Mama and Pappy and the life vests they gave the kiddos for the trip. Grayson couldn't wait to do cannonballs into the pool (to him this meant jumping from the step in the pool out into the water). Lucee and Radlee took a little longer to warm up but eventually earned their fins as well And Cooper, well lets just say he had the life, floating around in his boat, happy as a little clam.
Bedtime may have been even more exciting than pool time, as Pretty Mama had brought the blow up beds for the kiddos to sleep in. After storytime with Pretty Mom's Nook, it was one big slumber party.
The next day we spent ALL day at the pool and by the end of the day I had the sunburn to prove it. The kiddos got goggles that equated to a little bit of bravery, now putting their faces in the water and swimming more and more by themselves. At lunchtime, the kids had a picnic and I ran to the cafe to grab us big girls lunch, while I was waiting I decided to toss a few bucks in a penny slot to pass the time. I only had a $20 and told myself that I would only spend $5 of it (I am a total cheap-o when it comes to gambling). The first few spins I won a couple bucks and never really dropped below my $20, I increased the amount I was betting, spun the wheel and hit some wild card thing that paid out 8000 pennies, at first I thought it was $8, then I realized it was $80! I was so excited, I think it is the most I have ever won. I was even more excited when I had the sense to cash out then and there to save my winnings! ChaChing!!
By the end of the day, back at the pool, Radlee had lost all fear of the water and was jumping in from the side with Sophie, begging her to take him under water, Grayson was swimming the length of the pool by himself (with his floatie) and Lucee was jumping off the side to Pretty Mama, such little fish.
That evening after dinner, the babes continued their quest for water and took a bath, complete with swim goggles of course! The slumber party was much quieter that night, for we had 4 very tuckered out little ones on our hands!
The next morning led to one more dip in the pool and some quality Nook time for Lucee and Roo before it was time to pack our bags and head for home... Until next time!
Putting the boys to bed the night before we left made me think about our annual trips to Disneyland when we were little. I thought if I stayed up all night I would be extra tired the next day and could sleep in the car, thus arriving faster. I think the not sleeping was just sheer excitement at the adventure that awaited, Grayson had this same level of anticipation the night before our trip.
Upon arrival, bathing suits were donned, (practically before we made it to our "home" as Radlee called it) and the pool was put to the test. It was so cold at first touch that day. The littles warmed right up to it though, especially thanks to Pretty Mama and Pappy and the life vests they gave the kiddos for the trip. Grayson couldn't wait to do cannonballs into the pool (to him this meant jumping from the step in the pool out into the water). Lucee and Radlee took a little longer to warm up but eventually earned their fins as well And Cooper, well lets just say he had the life, floating around in his boat, happy as a little clam.
Bedtime may have been even more exciting than pool time, as Pretty Mama had brought the blow up beds for the kiddos to sleep in. After storytime with Pretty Mom's Nook, it was one big slumber party.
The next day we spent ALL day at the pool and by the end of the day I had the sunburn to prove it. The kiddos got goggles that equated to a little bit of bravery, now putting their faces in the water and swimming more and more by themselves. At lunchtime, the kids had a picnic and I ran to the cafe to grab us big girls lunch, while I was waiting I decided to toss a few bucks in a penny slot to pass the time. I only had a $20 and told myself that I would only spend $5 of it (I am a total cheap-o when it comes to gambling). The first few spins I won a couple bucks and never really dropped below my $20, I increased the amount I was betting, spun the wheel and hit some wild card thing that paid out 8000 pennies, at first I thought it was $8, then I realized it was $80! I was so excited, I think it is the most I have ever won. I was even more excited when I had the sense to cash out then and there to save my winnings! ChaChing!!
By the end of the day, back at the pool, Radlee had lost all fear of the water and was jumping in from the side with Sophie, begging her to take him under water, Grayson was swimming the length of the pool by himself (with his floatie) and Lucee was jumping off the side to Pretty Mama, such little fish.
That evening after dinner, the babes continued their quest for water and took a bath, complete with swim goggles of course! The slumber party was much quieter that night, for we had 4 very tuckered out little ones on our hands!
The next morning led to one more dip in the pool and some quality Nook time for Lucee and Roo before it was time to pack our bags and head for home... Until next time!
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