Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Next Olympian?

Radlee went to the Doctor today, he now weighs 19.3 lbs and is 27 1/4" tall (90th and 95th percentile). The Pediatrician thinks that if he continues at this pace he may be tall enough to be an olympic swimmer or vollyball player. As of now we are working on his high jump.

Mmmm.... Real Food!

After exisiting on only milk (and a little cereal) for the past 5 months Radlee finally gets to eat real food! He had his first meal in the high chair tonight, mashed avocado. He really liked it, he wasn't too sure what to do with it at first but it didn't take him long to catch on!

Our First Family Vacation

We went to Seattle last week for a mini-vacation. I was a bit nervous about setting out on an 8 hour car ride with 2 little ones; however I am happy to announce: they are travelers! Both Grayson and Radlee did so good in the car, Radlee sleeping most of the time and watching the scenery (backwards) and Grayson watching Bob the Builder and Big Bird, eating crackers and asking to go potty every 20 miles or so.

We were only in Seattle for 2 1/2 days but we saw and did it all. The purpose of the trip was to have the pictures of the boys taken by the photographer that did our Wedding pictures, they turned out amazing - you can see all of them here:

Knowing that traveling with babies is something we can do makes me all the more excited to do more of it in the near future... Where to next?

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Grayson, Month 33

This month was a time to overcome fears. You have discovered braveness and practice it often. I first realized this one day at the carwash, usually you HATE the carwash, and try to claw your way out of your seat if we even talk about it, even when we pass the carwash down the street from our house you point it out to me and tell me how you the carwash makes you cry. However one day a couple of weeks ago I guess I was feeling brave and thought we could “try nen” (try again) it may have helped that we were on our way to the “nhow tone house” (snow cone house) your new FAVORITE place in the world (and another location you can point out all across town) so you were not only distracted by dreams of a “deen nhow tone” but had something to look forward to as well. As I drove into the carwash tunnel, I looked into the backseat and you had a look of panic on your face, I felt horrible for having brought you there and if I could have put the car in reverse I would have, you must have felt my hesitation because at that moment you looked at me and said “It’s ohtay Mama, I jus shut my eyes” and you placed your trembling hands over your face. I know you were still scared, your hands shook the whole time and when you did open your fingers just enough to peek your eyes were wide, but Grayson, you never once whined or cried and when we got through it you were SO excited for yourself, just as I was. It was your first taste of overcoming fear and now you were ready to take on the world.
What was to come over the next few weeks was amazing to me. You went down the biggest slide at the park ALL BY YOURSELF, hardly waiting for me to get to the bottom to catch you, (before you wouldn’t even go down the smallest slide with all of my begging and promises of green snow cones). Then there was the miniature version of Roaring Springs in CeeCee’s back yard. You stayed with Auntie “Fwofie” one day and when I came to pick you up you were playing in Lucee’s “wimmin pool” which has a slide shaped like a whale! You went up and down that slide at least 50 times in just the short time I was there. I asked you at one point to go on your tummy and at first you refused, however next thing I knew you did it. When you slid down the water splashed all the way over your head, now always before you threw a fit when it was time to wash your hair in the bathtub because you don’t like the water in your face, but this was totally acceptable to you and you did it over, and over and over each time jumping up, wiping your face and clapping wildly. If Uncle TysTys, Auntie Fwofie or I were not clapping you would single us out to remind us of your amazing feat. Ever since, bath time has been a breeze.
And my dear little Grayson while you are getting more and more brave, I am getting more and more scared. Scared that I am having to slowly let you go and even push you out into the big scary world, scared that in conquering your fears you will hurt yourself, and scared that you are growing up too fast. I will be brave though, and if it gets too rough we can always go for a snow cone.
I Love you the Most, Mama

Radlee, Month 4

You have become quite a little creature of habit this month, learning what to expect and when to expect it. You wake up in the morning happy and talk and sing until I come to get you, however if I take longer than you think I should you get progressively louder and louder to remind me that you are waiting for me. We change your diaper and go downstairs to get a bottle, with cereal, which has to be exactly the right temperature in order for you to drink it. After your breakfast you like to lay and watch Grayson eat his breakfast or watch cartoons with him, however this usually doesn’t last long because you LOVE your morning nap, and when you are
ready for this nap, no one better let anything stand in your way, there is no time for waiting or lollygagging, and if it takes longer to get you to your bed than you think it should, you let everyone know that this does NOT make you happy. However, once tucked in you snooze for quite a while and wake up refreshed and ready to eat and play some more. You love to watch Grayson – he is fascinating to you, he has taken quite a liking to you as well and makes sure you are always entertained, if not by him than at least by the toys he brings to you.
Many days when Grayson goes down for his nap this is our quiet time together, just you and me. These are some of my favorite moments with you – singing songs, playing patty-cake and peek-a-boo or just looking at your precious face. I always know when 4:30 rolls around because you
start fussing for a bottle – you are like clockwork, most days you will take another cat nap after this bottle and then wake up in time for a bath (your very favorite part of the day), another bottle and bed.
I wouldn’t have things any other way and I love that you are in such a routine that fills even more of my day with giggles, smiles and tears. You are a precious addition and I look forward to each new day with you.
Love you the most,